The heart of the house. Or, the north kitchen wall. This is also the back of the front bath.

My living room. If you can see between the drywall scraps, the whole living room was cut up two feet, treated and rewalled.

A view from the door of the master bath to the living room wall.

Ach! This is the one place I'm still a little worried about. I see dirt . . . I guess my mold remediation expert didn't want to deal with cutting around the plumbing.

It is a rather boring picture, but this is the opposite side of my kitchen where the pantry used to be.

Looking from the kitchen through to the bathroom. The new kitchen window will be a few inches higher than the old one rather than flush with the counter-top and the kitchen sink.
Just yesterday! It was the first time I have gone into my house and left symptomless! I took photographs late last week in order to document progress.