Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Predawn, up before the sun. Summer's end is heralded with the briskness of early fall. Summer's heat was freedom and health. I could spend all day outside. I could throw open a window and air out the toxins that make me sick--I can't tolerate any at all now, I think. I could open a window for the night or spend comfortable hours outside doing tasks normally done inside. My neighbors think I'm weird and I wish the yard was more private. I find any excuse to go out that door.

As I take in the still total darkness near 6:00 AM, I feel the dread of the coming winter and I'm afraid that fall will be altogether too short. My bare arms feel the chill and I think it is time to get my jackets and sweatshirts out and wash them. I rub my arms briskly to warm them as I look up at the dark sky and try to discern how cloudy it will be today.

I used to anticipate winter with the same joy and excitement that I anticipated every other season. But not anymore. The thought that my anticipation of winter will ruin my beautiful fall is almost as bad. Will that dread fill me every time I get a goosebump from a chill wind between now and December? Besides, I have a longer list of things to do before the weather becomes too cold.

Time does pass quickly. I drive Ike to school just as the first glimmer of sunshine breaks through the striated clouds on the horizon, tinting them a soft promising pink. As I drop him off and watch him carrying his horn to the football field, I think, 'One hour down! One hour passed so quickly. So much to do, so little time--before the cold comes in.'

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