Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I thought this would be a happier looking photograph:

It was a slightly blurry image of an angel that is carved into the pulpit of my church. I'd taken it without flash, so it was very soft light in a dark corner. I enjoy playing with photographs in Adobe. I'm afraid I'm not very good at it, but this was an accidental success, in my opinion.

Speaking of angels, I think I had a dream of what might have been my own guardian angel . . . did I write about that one? It was so strange. I've never been very much of a believer in angels, truth be told. But I really wasn't sure how much that was dreaming!

I heard what I thought was my son in the bathroom. I thought I heard his voice. I heard water splashing. But then I became aware that there was someone very close to me. I was aware that I was in bed. I did become frightened and I closed my eyes tight as though I could wish them away and I reached out and grabbed what felt like a person's forearm--physical sensations!--I could feel my fingers grasping the soft flesh, my nails sinking into it. And a woman that I know as well as a sister entered the room. I don't know how I knew who it was, but I did. I told her, "I'm holding somebody's arm and I'm scared to open my eyes and look. Is it safe?" She told me I could let go and I did. And I don't remember any delay or anything. I opened my eyes and I got up and I checked out the house. My son was in his bed sound asleep.

Gives me chills! ;) Weird dream.

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