Monday, December 31, 2007

End of Year . . .

It is right and fitting that the year should end curled up with an excellent book, isn't it? I have just finished reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.

It was an excellent book for those who like an old fashioned whodunnit, very British. I am serious when I say old fashioned because Ms. Setterfield tends to write in a style heavily reminiscent of the 19th Century greats such as the Brontte sisters. Since I tend to that style myself it was very comfortable. My only disappointment was the Thirteenth Tale when it was finally revealed, but, since that says nothing about the plot itself, it is a small thing.

I also began to read The Fire of Your Life, a book of meditations by Maggie Ross. There are meditations for each month of the year. I've only read one, November's. I think it is in for a reread. These are not meditations to be hurried through, but relished and contemplated. They are even the type of meditations that spawn more meditations. It may indeed take a year for me to read them all.

So, back to the whodunnit: I am reviewing the genre for the purpose of beginning to write the suspense novel that has been brewing this past year. Of course, that takes reading that style of writing or, as some would say, a study of the genre. I have always loved mysteries.

Sometimes I think I have an outline taking form and sometimes I feel as though I am still feeling my way. No matter where I begin, there will have to be more flashbacks than I care to use. Past tense is dead, lifeless, static. What POV shall I use? I think that is my big issue right now.

At any rate, should any reader accost my blog today, I wish them a reflective and safe New Year's Eve and a happy New Year! One should never party and end a year in drunken revelry! They should remain watchful as the old year ends, intent on the new beginning that is coming, the fresh start, rather than waking with a hangover and beginning the year on a bad and grumpy note.


Jim said...

Whodunits and devotionals. I ended the year with "The Bourne Ultimatum", that and some re-perusal of Buechner this morning. AS stated elsewhere unto others, may you and yours, also, know His blessings as we move forward. I tried the handbells, by the way, and could not get them to work for me; but, then, other than a fedw notes on a guitar, playing musical instruments was never a skill of mine...

Unknown said...

Hey Annie!

Spent yesterday with a migraine, and today with taxes, so that the rest of the year has to be better! LOL!

I am so in the mood for good reading. I think it's the cold. Plus I find it inspires me.

Here's to the suspense novel! How exciting! Wishing you success with that and everything else the year holds for you.