Monday, December 17, 2007

Feeling irreverant:

Don't ask me about my inspiration for this!

I'm always a tad bit amused by Christians who the claim the label of "biblical Christianity" as though most Christians aren't "biblical". That and the "Bible believin'" Christians. Perhaps you mean you are a member of one of the One Thousand and One different denominations based on the newest, most recent, most absolutist and most accurate, mostest truest interpretation of scripture, purely and truly sola scriptura, and no other denomination that claims biblical Christianity is as valid as yours? It must be one of the newest and most sophisticated since you not only claim to believe in it, you claim to be "biblical". I realize it is lots and lots of fun to shake that Bible and try to claim "biblical Christianity", but pardon me for trying to point out that a lot of Christians think they have the Bible, too and are therefore biblical. It was the Roman Catholic Church, the original and very firstest of all first Churches that claims to be the truest of all Christian sects who formed and created the Canon--if memory serves. And they even read it, study it and believe in it, too! But it might have been before the Great Schism . . . now there are actually two original, very first and bestest Churches that can claim to be the truest and most right of all Christian sects or denominations with the claim of having the original Bible and even having created it. So, they might actually think of themselves as biblical, too. Heck! They can actually claim St. Peter and therefore most of the books in the New Testament were written by their very own Apostles! Definitely biblical. I actually think that the oldest extant Bible of all is in a monastery at Mt. Sinai--in Orthodox possession. It was my own Church that created the King James Version, THE most accurate version of scripture of all time according to some . . . er . . . uhm . . . protestant sects, authored and authorized by God himself.

*I could have my son sing that to a cool riff ... maybe I should try to revise it and add some rhyme*


Anonymous said...

hi annie!

nice riff. i think christian is to the bible as processed food is to fast food. man made em both and they fit very well together.

but each lack the true goodness God Puts in His Real Stuff!

im praying for joyful holidays for you and yours >o

Unknown said...

I am so glad to see you've had power! I've been wondering about you. Did you get hit by the ice?

As for the post, I'm impelled to comment that the only way anyone can know the Bible is to read and study it for oneself--an ongoing, daily process--and know that men do not interpret it. God's spirit inspired it and makes it clear for those who want understand it.

It is an amazing book in the sheer numbers printed, translated and distributed worldwide, its harmony (all writers contributing to a single theme over a period of 1,600years), integrity, prophetic accuracy, candor, and preservation in the face of efforts to destroy it that would have wiped out most books.

Just because "Christians" misuse it, misapply it, or simply ignore what it says, doesn't mean that the Bible itself is flawed. That just proves what we already know--human thinking and human wisdom are imperfect and can't be trusted. I personally would much rather rely on God's wisdom than man's.

I firmly believe that the truth can be found in any version of the Scriptures, though I prefer a translation to a version. It makes no sense that God would have given it to us if he didn't want us to use, understand and be guided by it. I have to go by my experience, that being the better I know it and allow myself to be molded and guided by what the Bible actually says (rather than what people say it says), I become a better person. Not perfect, by any means, and I have a looonnnggg way to go and lots of changes yet to make, but I find more peace, comfort and security and the love that impells me to share that with others as I can.

Just my $.02 in peace, love and respect as always.


Annie said...

Thank you, Peter. But it will take some ironing out. ;) Did you read the poem below?

I hope you and yours have joyful holidays, too!

I agree with your views on interpretation, for the most part. That's why I practice Lecto Divina.

But mostly I was commenting on the boasting that goes on in our faith. Boasting has the unfortunate side effect of being insulting. ;) I dunno what the cure is. I struggle with trying to show the concept in a more positive way, but it always comes out sounding grumpy.

You would not believe me if I told you that the temps never dropped below freezing here except for about one hour Sunday morning--for Church. I was shocked that more southern cities, Tulsa and OKC both? were devastated. No ice here, no power outages, just sloppy rain and more sloppy rain and more sloppy rain all week. Blech! If it had been ice, there wouldn't have been a single powerline left hanging.
