Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging

Not a normal feature! These are photos taken today of the feral cat and her kitten that have taken up residence in my garage. Here they have taken over the chair on the patio.


Caminante said...

Pretty cats. What will you do in the long-term with them?

Annie said...

My vet said that if I keep feeding the mother, she will spay her for me. As for the kitten, I am trying to make friends with it, but it is terribly wild. I suppose if I succeed, I will try to find it a home.

We are making progress. He (I'm assuming it is a he) is asking for food now even if he will still hiss if I make any move in his direction. He even came into my house today when I accidentally left the door open. He's a cute little cat.
