Monday, May 07, 2007

Change under pressure:

On my blog rounds this morning, I visited Ron's blog and found this entry: emergence under pressure . . . in your church. Talk about sacred secular! This entry speaks to where I am in every aspect of my life right now.

Yesterday morning I came home from church reeling. It is one of those years--one of those bad years--where nothing in my life is going according to plan. If there is proof that we have very little control over our lives, the situation that I am in now proves it. All I know is that I'm in a pressure cooker that is about to explode. I have no idea where or when, but when it occurs, there is no telling how far the splatter will fly or how much. Or, in other words, I really don't know what is coming 'round the bend, but I'm craning my neck and ready for whatever comes my way.

Yesterday morning, sitting in the pew, a man who couldn't even follow the service handed me a filled out seeker's card to put into the collection plate. Every week there are new faces in our church. Shades of what occurred in Virginia echo here. People from other denominations are taking over the pews. The angry conservatives are going to make a move to steal the church. I've seen the writing on the wall for years now--I'm just waiting for God to open that window I'm always promised. In the meantime, I am sitting almost still, just waiting. Because through faith I do believe that God will show me what her will is and the direction she wants for me to go. Who knows where this will go or how it will play out in the end. Only God knows.

About that open window (if you will pardon cliches): I think God is preparing the furrow. For example, I have been leading a discussion group over a book on St. Benedict's Rule. I've never considered myself any sort of public speaker/teacher. Far from it. But--and very sweetly, as I have so often said that I am where I am because of the people I love--the women have been coming to me and telling me how much they have been enjoying the discussion. I usually tell them that is themselves--they take the ball and play with it, they make it happen. And yesterday morning I was pleasantly surprised by a similar compliment from a woman who had previously found the book daunting--and I was so happy! Her thoughts had been a concern to me.

Which brings me to another thing--love. I feel as though when the turmoil in the church begins to reach boiling, these wonderful women come to distract me, to bolster me, to hold me up, to warm me. There are no politics in it--their point of view doesn't matter. They are apolitical, faithful, spiritual and GREAT! (And maybe I shouldn't leave out the men who show their support, either. Thanks Z!) I don't need to say or do anything--they think of it all by themselves. I wish that I was as good as they are!

At any rate, what I'm saying is that perhaps I have a gift that I had never guessed at. Or, with God's help, I can do things I thought were impossible.

So, here I am at this juncture of forced change in both my secular and sacred life. Isn't it just exactly as Ron has just said in his blog? "There is something about looking ahead to a new horizon, not being able to really see what is ahead that causes fear... so much fear, we'll strain our necks, constantly looking back to the land of familiarity we just left." I'm trying to keep that new horizon in mind. It could be anything and it could be anywhere. I've been driven out of my charted course by winds that I hadn't foreseen. But it is done. Nothing is left but to box my compass straight and chart a new course.


Ron Cole said...

"At any rate, what I'm saying is that perhaps I have a gift that I had never guessed at. Or, with God's help, I can do things I thought were impossible."

Annie there is nothing like a new journey, a topographical map of uncharted territory, and a compass.I pray for a spirit of boldness in following the needle of your commpass, that it will always reveal the truth. Even though we have never met, I have always sensed that you have a gift, that will bless others...I'm glad you've found it.

I'm also gald you dropped by, now I can update your the " Musing Mysteries " link no more?


Annie said...

Hi Ron,

When I finally gave in to the need for high speed internet--to save money, of all things--I had to give up my blog. I gave up Musing Mysteries because I wasn't writing all that much about faith since the GREAT PEACE hit a year ago, anyway.

I thought I had alerted everybody, but perhaps it was during one of your absences and you missed it. So, I am glad you found me today! Again.


Jim said...

Thought I had commented here last time I visited, Annie. All too often anymore, it's just before time to leave for school and I get interrupted in the middle of what I'm doing. Your post here speaks of what I've been going through for several years. The Ch/church, as I knew it for nearly twenty-five years drastically changed and nobody asked my permission. You learn. You learn that, while you need others and you need some sort of feed other than your self, it's not all about church. You learn to walk by His reins on your heart and to yet not trust your heart. How great to read of you being used of Him in sharing with others! Let it flow! Let it flow! In such waters, there is life in Him........

Annie said...

He's shown me, Jim. ;) It took me a while because I am simply the most stubborn of all the sheep, but I finally caught on. So he leads me and prepares me and we'll see what he has in store for us that way--just patiently waiting.