Friday, November 09, 2007

Maggie Ross:

A friend pointed me to Maggie Ross' blog: Voice in the Wilderness

It is the most amazing blog! She's a terrific writer. She is a Solitary and her insights into faith are extraordinary. I was visiting her blog last night and her entry mentioned a liturgy that she'd posted in January of 2006. I went back to read the referenced liturgy. Needless to say, I still haven't. I began reading the very top entry on that link. It resonates so well with what I have been feeling as pertains to prayer! There is one paragraph there that I want to frame. I just sat there and read and reread it. Then I read it for Ike, who, being a teenager and short on attention span for all things religious, surprised me by his receptiveness. So here is the link to that entry too. It is so much better to have you read what she writes about prayer than to try to write it and fudge it myself!

Top entry on prayer

I want to go tap all my blogging friends on the shoulder and suggest that if they haven't already explored her blog, they should. I've already written the title of one of her books (yes, she's been published) to begin treasuring even more "Maggie Ross". I'm tempted to print out her whole blog!

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