Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why I am a liberal!

I have seriously wondered before how two people can grow up in the same family, be taught the same things by the same people and then one grows up to be liberal and the other conservative. The two are linked both politically and religiously. I feel shocked sometimes when I learn that somebody I thought I knew is very conservative politically, "How could she be?!" I always did think that liberals and conservatives balance each other and one without the other is pure chaos. In our own ways, we can take things too far. At least I got that much right.

Here is a profound video on the subject. If you are conservative, realize he is aiming his message at his mostly liberal audience, but I think that you can learn as much as I did about how we differ and how we influence our world and what we should do about it.

TED | The Real Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives

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